Item change

Instructions for changing the item
If you want to make an exchange, contact Whatsapp number 0516830607 (indicating what you purchased and what you want to exchange for) or by email
The courier will come directly to your home to collect the old package and deliver the new one.
It costs €10, which will always be sent via courier.
If you purchase one or more items together with the exchange to be made, the exchange will always be free. must be carried out no later than 14 working days.

Returning an item for a refund

We know it too, sometimes one of the items received doesn't suit us perfectly and what we just want is to receive the amount spent back. Provided that the returned item is still in its original condition.

The item must be shipped at the customer's expense to the address: Il Passero – Via Bologna, 9, 44042 Cento FE – Tel 0516830607 –

An item returned within 14 days starting from the day the package was delivered, or was available for collection, it will be fully refunded to the same payment method used to place the order. In case of cash on delivery, the customer must indicate a bank IBAN on which to make the payment.

The return does not include any shipping costs.

We promise to process your refund within 14 days of receiving the item at our warehouse.

If you intend to request a refund within the above time periods but are unable to return for some reason, please contact us bearing in mind that in this case the refund will be at our sole discretion.

And after the required timescales?

We do not accept returns of unwanted items returned after the time periods stated above. If you ship a return after the required timeframe, we may have to return it to sender (to the default shipping address on your account) and ask for shipping costs to be covered.

Shipment receipt

The return remains the responsibility of the sender until it is received at our warehouse, so be sure to always request the shipping receipt of your returns, in case we need to see it later (it is free both from the post office and from other centers enabled).